Yellow is the sky
fiction film
62 min, Germany, 2022
Director, Screenplay: Laura Kansy
Director of photography: Nina Moog
Cast: Christian Erdt, Maja Beckmann, Mathila Maar, Mareike Beykirch, Sibylle Canonica, Jan Fassbender, Vincent Glander, Michael Goldberg, Steffen Höld,
Katja Jung, Breznik Prekazi, Mehmet Sözer, Ulrike Willenbacher, Simon Zagermann
Producer: lost and not found films in cooperation
with University for Television and Film Munich
A man tells his wife that he is sexually attracted to children. While he is relieved to have finally told someone. She feels like the ground is being pulled out from under her.
A studio building, green screen walls, a family having dinner and a father who wants to tell his partner something. He is sexually attracted to children. It‘s summer. Outside, crickets chirp in the night. The man Philip is relieved to have finally told it someone. And his wife Anna feels like the ground is being pulled
out from under her. And while the lawn is being laid in the garden, more characters appear: There‘s Xaver, who has fallen in love with a boy in his neighborhood, and Mareille, who is shocked by her friends‘ behavior, and Thomas, who distances himself further and further from his friends out of shame. What does it mean to live with pedophilia? As a person affected, as a partner?
As a father and as a friend? What can it mean for a circle of friends and for the everyday life of all of them? And while answers are sought, the green screen areas of the house remain empty.

director, screenplay, fiction film, Germany, 2022