short fiction movie
22min, Germany, 2015
Director: Sabine Koder
DOP: Laura Kansy
Producer: Johanna Huber, University for Television and Film Munich
- Hofer Filmtage, 2015
- Cannes Short Film Corner, 2015
- Diagonale, 2016
Ms. Isabel hasn’t left her little city apartment in ages. Her life is determined by a set of self-defined rules, which help her keep everything clean and in order. She lives isolated from the outside world, only her caretaker Emil is allowed to visit her occasionally to bring her necessary groceries and run errands. The most important thing for Isabel seems to be the liquid green soap "Lonora". But one day, Emil disappears and Ms. Isabel’s structured life is suddenly in jeopardy. Her supply of “Lonora” is running low and there is only one possible option: she has to leave her apartment and make a journey into the dangerous and contaminated outside world.

cinematography, short fiction movie, Germany, 2015